I work with teens and adults who are sick of the endless worry, overwhelm, and fear AND who are ready to kick OCD and anxiety to the curb.

Let go of the fear and doubt
Before you can even grab your coffee the intrusive thoughts and feelings flood in. The need to do compulsions is on repeat on your “to do” list. Other people seem connected to their life, moving through it naturally and freely. You want that too.
The endless nagging thoughts, uncertainty, and doubt leave you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted before you’re even midway through your day. Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to feel stuck in this endless cycle of doubt every. single. day.?
Let go of the "what ifs"

Hi, I’m Lindsay
I’m a Licensed Therapist (LCSW serving the states of FL, NJ, PA and CA) who specializes in providing therapy to driven millenial women with OCD and anxiety. I have been practicing as a licensed therapist for 10 years and have over 2 decades experience in the mental health field.
I do this specialized work because I know OCD holds you back from fully engaging in the life you want to live. You want the peace and freedom others appear to have. You want ALL the things (love, family, work, etc) and yet OCD is hijacking your time and energy leaving you feeling depleted and hopeless. Seeing the transformation in my clients lives when they go from surviving to thriving, despite having OCD, is priceless.
I, myself, am a recovering people-pleaser and anxious doer. My INFJ, HSP-self coped with anxiety when I was a kid and it took me years to come to see my sensitivity and anxiety-proneness as a strength rather than a weakness. I started practicing self-compassion and acceptance. I made decisions that aligned with MY values, not someone else’s. I set boundaries. I said “no” to things even when it felt soooo uncomfortable. I took risks that brought me joy and confidence. I leaned into the discomfort, while still giving myself the compassion and rest I deserved and needed. I want that for you, too.
Work with Lindsay

Therapy for OCD
There are many misconceptions about OCD in society. These misconceptions lead to many people with OCD feeling hesitant to seek treatment for their intrusive thoughts in fear that they may be stigmatized or further misunderstood, but a therapist who specializes in OCD will understand that these thoughts are OCD driven. No matter what you may be experiencing, proper treatment can be incredibly effective in minimizing symptoms and can allow you to live a life of peace and acceptance.

Therapy for Anxiety
Anxiety can take on many forms, and sometimes individuals may not even be fully aware that they may be struggling with an anxiety disorder. Whether you’ve been experiencing generalized anxiety, panic attacks or more specific phobias, there are techniques we can use to relieve your worry and help you feel more comfortable and happy in day to day life. For most anxiety disorders, working with a specialized therapist can help greatly reduce symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Online Courses
I’m happy to offer online courses to help millennial women access the guidance & skills they need to help manage their OCD from the comfort of their own home. Online courses are a good option for you if you don’t have the time or financial means to attend OCD specialized 1:1 therapy. Courses are also a good option for you if you are on a therapist waitlist and could benefit from some immediate help while you wait. These courses are self-paced, convenient, and affordable.